A new featured item this week in our TnNatveWoods Ebay store is another one of Rick’s carvings. As with all of his carvings, this one is awesome. The caricature in each of his pieces is unreal. Maybe it’s just me, but I get such a chuckle out of everyone he creates. They just “Talk” to me!

I know the challenges he faces everyday with the loss of his eyesight, so when I see what he creates despite of this, I find myself in awe. He tries to play it off as it’s not that good, or I could have done better, but that just him being modest. He’s not ready to except that he has a rare talent yet. Every piece he does, and I list on Ebay gets sold in just a couple of day.

Here’s a few more photos of the club. This one not going to last long. None of them do, so don’t let it get away! Click here now before it gets away.

Locust “Wood Sprit” Club

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